
Research interest

I work in robotics and autonomy. I am currently interested in object manipulation and grasping. My focus is on grasp stability and slip detection in agricultural work. I am also interested in the design and control of soft manipulators. My previous work has included pre-touch sensing in occluded, cluttered environments.


  1. N. K. Uppalapati, B. T. Walt, A. Havens, A. Mahdian, G. Chowdhary, and G. Krishnan, “A Berry Picking Robot With A Hybrid Soft-Rigid Arm: Design and Task Space Control,” in Robotics: Science and Systems Foundation, 2020. (Link)(Link to pdf)
  2. S. K. Kamtikar, S. Marri, B. T. Walt, N. K. Uppalapati, G. Krishnan, and G. Chowdhary, “Visual Servoing for Pose Control of Soft Continuum Arm in a Structured Environment,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3155821 (IEEE Link)(Arxiv)
  3. B. T. Walt and G. Krishnan, “Grasp State Classification in Agricultural Manipulation,” in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2023. (IEEE Link)



ME Qualification Exam Notes from May 2022